Friday, June 6, 2014


Doug owns a huge collection of Coke products. We once visited the Coke Museum in Atlanta and it probably felt familiar and homey to our kids.  He spent days putting the pieces of this puzzle together. As he came to the last dozen or so pieces, we gathered around to help and see the finale.  We took turns filling in the few gaps left.  

When it came down to three, he looked at us to see who had the missing pieces.  I shrugged. Kimberly and her friend turned their palms up. Doug looked under the table.   Nothing. Panic flashed across his face.  Then one by one we each handed him a piece we'd hidden, unaware of the other's mischief.  All the pieces fit! 

We sing  a song at church and one phrase is

All the pieces of my life, from the beginning to the end, held in Your hand. . .

Life can feel fragmented.  The big picture is not clear.  Gaps, voids, missing pieces can cause unrest.  Trusting God to supply all we need is a process of learning.  It's not something instant nor natural.  Even Paul said, "I have learned in whatever state. . .to be content."

God is sovereign.  God is also in the details.  My part is to listen, learn and lean.  One of the joys of my life is planning the worship service at church.  My details may include music choices. The pastor works on his sermon, choosing scripture.  Soloists choose songs.  We seldom discuss our various aspects.

But over and over during worship we see how God put the pieces together with one theme, a central message He wanted His people to hear.  Wow!  That's exciting!  

Our individual thoughts recently went something like this.

KATHY: These songs all focus on the name of God.  I have an idea.  I'll use the artwork on canvas to show God's names.  Oh, I saw something on Facebook that would make a good handout.  If folks had the card in their Bible they could pray using God's various names.

PASTOR JIM: I'd planned to preach on another commandment but I keep feeling the need to change my sermon to the command to not use God's name in vain.   I want to stress calling on God for Who He actually is.  I wonder if this sermon is right for now.

Sunday morning when he entered the sanctuary, he knew it was the right message.  He spotted the canvas on the easel and asked me, "When did you decide to use this, Kathy?"

"Sometime after Wed. choir practice.  We were talking about the names of God in our special.  Sheree sent me the source for the cards on my Facebook page.  Why?"

I already knew.  God did it!  He put the pieces in place to give us all His clear message.

Last week it happened again.  
Sermon:  Choose you this day. . .make the decision
Amy's new solo:  I Choose Jesus
Hymn: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

Today even as I write this, I prayed for and with three people in the hospital, 2 friends facing surgery tomorrow.  And our grandson, James, is being admitted with double pneumonia. The song has another line:

Sovereign in my greatest joy, sovereign in my deepest cry, with me in the dark, with me at the dawn. . .God, whatever comes my way I will trust You. 

Being part of a team, a church or a family who hears God speak is exciting.  We each may hold only a piece of His plan but He fits it all together for His glory and our good.  

The same letters are used to spell both


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