Friday, August 26, 2011


"For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” 
Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT)

As I read this verse again today it sent my mind cascading to memories of songs that weave our family together.  Music is a common thread among many Tippetts. To think that God also sings over me with joyful songs sparks a smile on my face and joy in my heart.  People we love.  Songs we sing. 

Grandma Strickland's rocker now
has a place in my home.
Mama sang to me:  "Too-ral-loo-rall-loo-ral, it's an Irish lullaby."
I took my turn in the rocking chair and sang it to my three who did the same with their babies.  I wonder if some great-great grandmother began that chain in Ireland before some Tippett or Strickland sailed to America.  I sang it over the phone recently to our little Canadian grandson, Caleb, feverish in his mother's arms.

Caleb, on a happier day
Mama to me then the chain again linked to our kids and grands: " 'Skeeters am a-hummin' on the honeysuckle vine, sleep, Kentucky babe. . ."                                                                                Now that song definitely began in the good old USA. Kentucky Babe ties to our southern roots.

Mama to me and you know the rest.  "God will take care of you, through every day o'er all the way. . ." A song of Christian comfort and a lullaby.  Once my little 4 year old Kimberly sang it back to me when she saw me crying.   We'd just returned home from a week's vacation to find our freezer had stopped working.  All our food was spoiled, a big loss to a young family.  As I bailed bloody meat, floating pecans in a sea of rotten tomatoes, I wept.  A little cherub hand touched my back and sang in a helium voice:

God will take care of you through every day o'er all the way.
He will take care of you, even when your food's all gone!

My wise little composer adapted the last line and sang my sermon right back to me.  If you listen to the end of this video, this little child sounds much like what I heard from Kimberly that day long ago.
God Will Take Care of You:

As a family of five we harmonized on the old southern gospel tune Turn Your Radio On.  The theology there was a bit thinner but the four part harmony was attainable.  The kids groaned and hated when I suggested we sing it while traveling in a car.  Then Kent came to our church recently for an event and he strummed it on his guitar, called Doug and me to stage and indulged me once more as we sang it again.  Must reflect back to pre-TV days in our clan.  Turn Your Radio On:

The Spirit-filled saint is a music filled saint.  God used a shepherd boy's music to calm a king, even knowing one day he would become the king.  So sing to God today whether you find yourself in a back woods pasture or on a throne.  God's listening as you praise Him.

But even more thrilling is that God sings over me!  I wonder what He's composed for me.  One day I'll hear it.  Can you imagine the voice of God singing a song just for you?   What a day that will be!  Glad reunion day!  

1 comment:

  1. Judy Combs Puckett commented on your link.
    Judy wrote:

    Kathy, I tried to comment on your blogsite, but couldn't. it is a thrilling thought that God sings over us. Like you, I had a mother who sang to us and taught us silly songs. One of the funny things my kids remember from their childhood is that whatever happened, or whatever was said, they say that I always had a song to sing related to the event or topic. I do remember singing to them a lot, so I guess they're probably right. I also remember many songs my parents sang, and one of them is the title of my book, "Living by Faith." Having music in our life and memories of good times around music is a real blessing.

    Thank you for reminding me.
