Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Elizabeth, our oldest granddaughter, asked if she could ask me a question.  That's her way.  Most just pop it out, but gracious, considerate E asked for permission first.  

Before I tell you what she asked, let me introduce you to our beautiful Elizabeth.  Her passion runs deep and especially for Jesus.


She's a wise 18 year old, going on 33.  Why 33?  Because Jesus was 33 and she is very Christlike. Oh, she's also very witty, goofy, mouthy and sarcastic.  A lot like. . .me.  We both have so many words that they overflow into writing.

Me with Kimberly, E's mom.

Three generations at Home Good, stimulating the economy, 
midst Covid19.

Last Friday I flew to Florida for a long weekend with Kimberly, our first born, and family.  It was time to break out of isolation and what better place than the Sunshine state? We laughed, cried, talked, played games, watched a Redbox movie (I Still Believe--recommend it), shopped, sunned by a pool and ate extremely well.  

Before I get to THE QUESTION Elizabeth asked me, she posed a second question with a quicker answer.  "Nana, I'm learning to drive.  Want to take a ride with me through the neighborhood?"  Those last three words made my answer a ready yes.  After all, I'd survived a spin with Sean, another grand, through his neighborhood.  I'm a much better sidekick with my grands learning to drive than I was as a mother of three teens when they learned!

During our ride, ranging in speed from 4-11 mph, she asked if she could ask me a question.


"Nana, why are you always so happy?" 

At first I was stunned at her perception of me, thinking to myself, Well, I'm not ALWAYS happy. So my honest answer at first was, "I have feelings too," meaning other feelings.

Kimberly, her mom, quipped back teasing me in a cute pout, "Yeah. I have feelings too." We laughed at her poochie lip.

Then I gave her my serious answer, never really thinking about it before her question.  "Elizabeth, I don't believe there's a difference between the word happiness and joy.  Some do and relate it to circumstances.  My source is the Lord, pure and simple."

She nodded her little philosophical head. 

So I continued, "When I do have negative emotions, like fear or hurt, I just don't linger there.  'You can sit on the pity pot.  Just don't stay there long enough to get ring-around-the-hiney.'   

It's a choice and I choose joy.  I want to be happy so I rely on the joy of the Lord. It's His joy just spilling into me, if I allow it to flow.  He gave me an optimistic outlook in life, but it's still a choice. So I choose not to dwell on the negative, but instead look beyond that and see Him. Then His steadfast joy absorbs me."

She seemed satisfied.  So the discussion ended.


Since then, however, I've mulled a bit on her question.  Several tidbits surfaced:

* I'm thankful to be seen as a happy person.
* Thankfulness is also at the root of my joy.
* Kimberly as a young child expressed it, "I'm thankful we have a lot of laughness in our family."
* Humor is a huge contributor to our collective family happiness.  Sometimes it's wacky and borderline inappropriate but often breaks through and demolishes the mulligrubs!
* Mostly I'm thankful for God's Sovereignty in my life, knowing the final chapter will end in eternal joy. 

So why not pray, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" and begin that happiness here and now?  Then just ride that joy tide right into eternal glory!


  1. Our youngest granddaughter (11 yo) asked me how could I be nice to everyone no matter the circumstances? Told her that the love of Christ makes it possible!

  2. Love this shared family philosophy and perspective!!
