Wednesday, April 17, 2019


1.    Slow your pace. Life’s a marathon, not a sprint.  Jesus never hurried or worried. Greet people by name.  It’s people over our projects.  People ARE our ministry, not just a means of doing it. This creates patience.

2.    Savor the moments.  “God is a light to our path, not a GPS for the journey.”  .”  Duties never conflict.  “Order my steps, in Your Word, O Lord.”

3.    Don’t be a complainer.  “Sit on the pity pot, but don’t stay there long enough to get ring-around-the-hiney.”  Nobody wants to be around a whiney-butt.            Secret:  Think thanks.  An attitude of gratitude comes from a heart focused on Jesus.  “I have learned in whatever state I am to be content.” JOY is the by-product of a thankful heart.

4.    Your story is not complete. We know how it ends. We’ve read the Book, even the last chapter!  So praise God even now, IN the storm.  People notice.  Be sure they notice HIM more than you or your trials.  Seek the kingdom FIRST and foremost.  Balance life.

5.    Keep eternity in mind.  The Sweet By and By helps us live in the Nasty Now and Now.  “Far better. . .”  Phil. 1:23 Paul was torn. “It is better to depart; it is far better to be with Christ.”  Today’s circumstances and choices will be different if we remember we are citizens of another place, only ambassadors here. God plants eternity in our hearts.

6.    Radiate Jesus, in word, in deed and continually.  “Whether you eat or drink. . .”  Don’t subdivide yourself into spiritual, secular, emotional, intellectual.  He created you, whole. Be real. “To thine own self be true.” (Shakespeare)  Just be you and let Him shine through.

7.    “Never sacrifice the permanent on the altar of the immediate.”  (Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.) Sometimes the project or the TO Do List causes us to miss HIS interruptions.  Those blasted interruptions become blessed interruptions if we allow His daily plan.

8.    Listen. REALLY listen.  They may not even need your advice.  Don’t always try to be Mr. Fix It.  Sometimes all your spouse, child or friend needs is just to be heard, seen, understood. That’s love. “Husbands, love your wives with understanding.” LIFEtime job! Hearing is not always listening,

9.    Find stillness, quietness every day.  It may be in your car before going inside.  Let go and let God.  It may be in your bed, before you open your eyes.  Breathe Him in, release yourself. Dr. Mike Gay prays before rising, “Lord, help me know You better and love You more today.”  God speaks in silence.  Be STILL and know.

10.  Embrace change.  “No one likes change except a baby with a dirty diaper, and even he will cry about it.”  Every living thing changes.  Only dead things don’t move. So don’t fear trying something new nor failing.  GROW, STRETCH, LEARN.  Everyone needs a Barnabas to encourage us and a Timothy to mentor.  So teach but remain teachable.   Be a sponge.  Soak up, then wring yourself out.

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