Thursday, January 31, 2019


My guest blogger today is Ann Voscamp.  I actually took two days to really ponder. . .SAVOR these 25 ideas from her.  Many of them are already part of my routine.  

Several years back I let God change me. . .from Type A to B, from hurry-worry-scurry to slower paced, from yakking to silence.  Even the way I walk or eat has changed.  Stress is not as present, though it still makes attempts to bash my door down.  

These are some ideas that helped me de-stress rather than become distressed!  If you're too busy to read them now, then wait!  Don't scan.  Come back later and digest them.  Invite God into your routine.

Crazy, Stressed Days Need This Life Plan: A Manifesto to Stay Sane

So I’m a mess and we’re all failures — at least all the honest of us are.
And the truth is, no one ever runs before they take baby steps. 
So I scratch down these 25 points, like my own sanity manifesto, and there are a thousand different ways in a thousand seasons to make a life glorify God.

1. First things first: Word in. Work out. Work plan.
Open your eyes every morning and just do three first:
Word in: Get into God’s Word and let it get into you.
Work out: Work out. Even  5 minutes of moving is better than nothing. (baby steps! together we can do this!)
Work plan: Write out the work plan. And then work the plan.
2. “What a heart knows by heart is what a heart knows”
Write your memory verses on a sticky note, on a chalkboard, for your pocket.
Because when you are memorizing Scripture, quiet time with the Lord — becomes all the time. (Who doesn’t want that?)
3. Flame first.
Light a candle first thing in the morning.
4. Your work is art: it needs a soundtrack.
Find your music.
Play your music.
Sing your music. This is profound.
Vincent van Gogh said: “When sailors have to move a heavy load or raise an anchor, they all sing together to keep them up and give them vim. That’s just what artists lack.”
5. Step on the Snake Before Breakfast
Before breakfast, crush one hard thing that is tempting you to think there are impossible things.
Before breakfast, crush that one thing and prove that all things are possible with God.
6. Stay in the pool
Michael Phelps said it in an interview: “You’ve just got to stay in the pool longer than others.”
Set the timer. Get in the pool. Stay in the pool. Do your work. Don’t get distracted. Don’t flit from one thing to another and back.
Don’t get out of the pool, don’t leave your work, until the timer goes. The way to win is to stay in the pool.
7. Clean a space = clear headspace
Keeping the workspace clean, clears your headspace to think.
8. Go Slow. Life Zone. Life isn’t an Emergency: It’s a gift.
Life’s so extraordinary it warrants going slow, held in reverential awe.
9. Make Laughter Your Chocolate
The more you laugh, the longer you live. You can’t afford not to laugh more. Make laughter your chocolate.
10. No songs without rhythm
Every song needs a rhythm; every week needs a routine. Tie certain tasks to a day or another activity.
Always memorize after breakfast or always make a double batch of soup on Saturday.
Your life makes music when you play a string of tasks always together.
11. On 25, Take 5
For every 25 minutes “in the pool” working – take 5 minutes off. Live by pomodoros. Really. Life-changing.
12. Unplug to plug into your purpose
Only if you want to plug into peace and purpose and your big picture – then unplug for certain hours everyday.
Constant connectivity effects productivity like a marijuana high.
13.Watch Your Nos & Your Yeses will take Care of Themselves
Everything you say yes to, you say no to something else.
Are your yeses forcing you to say no to what really want to say yes to?
Don’t have guilt over a no – because every no is saying a better yes.
14. Daily Stillness Appointment
When is your 5 minute stillness appointment everyday?
Write that midday time in stone. No cancellations allowed. For 5 minutes midday, be still and cease striving.
Know He is God and the day looks very different.
Slow down: You only pass by this way once.
15. If the Heaven’s Declare, get out there.
The whole of the sky and the world is speaking endlessly of His glory.
When you step outside and listen, your soul revives. You need that.
You really need one walk outside a day. Even it’s just out the door to get the mail or walk the dog around the block or a walk around the yard before you have to get in the car.
16. Work on your Wall before Noon
Like Nehemiah who worked on rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, build your wall, building whatever God has uniquely called you to — a particular work project, a creative project, homeschooling, homemaking, a ministry. Everyday before noon, work on your wall, laying down 3 stones before noon.
If you don’t intentionally work on your wall, the tyranny of the urgent can make your life a rubble heap.
17. Envision the End Goal
Like God gave Abraham a vision of the stars of the sky and told him he would have that many children, hang up a picture so you always have a vision of your goal.
18. Everyday, not Every Now and Then
Random acts of greatness pale in comparison to habitual acts of faithfulness.
It’s not what you do every now and then, but what you do everyday, that changes everything. 
Do something at the same time everyday and you find yourself a new person.
19. Hard Stops
The only way to get anywhere safely is to make complete stops.
Make hard, complete stops at set times throughout the day to pray. Otherwise you’re risking a crash.
9, 12, 3, on the hour, might be times to set an a gentle, chime alarm for – and just stop and pray.
Praying at set times throughout the day is how both Jesus and the early church lived their days: God marking time.
20. The Holy, Happiness Habit {Count Gifts}
Write down 3 things a day you are grateful for. Hunt for His glory. Look for the beauty. Count 1000 gifts.
Thank Him for this is definitely God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Take the Joy Dare! Make right where you are your happy place.
21. Ebenezers for the Efforts
Mark little milestones! Celebrate! The little things!
A treat at the end of the day, end of the week, end of the project, end of the term.
Hang a bunting. Taste something sweet. Take a happy, thumbs up picture to mark your progress!
Make an album of a year, of the process, of the overcoming.
22. Father Affirmations
You need these everyday. Whisper them aloud, who you really are if you are IN Christ:
I am complete in Christ. Colossians 2:9-10
I have direct access to the throne of grace through Jesus Christ. Hebrews 4:14-16
I am free from condemnation. Romans 8:1-2
I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances. Romans 8:28
I am free from any condemnation brought against me and I cannot be separated from the love of God. Romans 8:31-39
I am confident that God will complete the good work He started in me. Philippians 1:6
I have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
23. Breathe
Breathing in and breathing out like this will radically change the quality of your life. Breathe.
24. Hard and Bad Day? Hot Bath
An evening routine of a hot bath at the end of the hard and bad days?
25. Rest so you can have the rest of God.
Sleep is more than your friend — it’s your God-given fuel.
Tomorrow always begins with the night before, so turn in early so tomorrow can turn out well.

Thursday, January 10, 2019


Our daughter, Katy, shared these gems awhile back.

"Andrew, quit licking the wall.

Caleb, now you quit licking the wall."

Good thing they quit licking the wall or they could grow up and land on a porch video like this creepy guy!

Another day Katy had a conversation with her middle son. "David, spit that rock out of your mouth." 

David, Caleb and Andrew
"Mom, I drank some water and the rock in my mouth went down into my brain and then came up again."

"Well, that's a good reason not to put rocks in your mouth."

Maybe that's how it begins for hard heads.  Notice she's wise enough not to use logical anatomy at this point in his young life.

Katy doesn't remember which of her six heard her say, "Sweetie, take the bag off your head.  You're gonna' suffocate yourself!"  But she still has six kids so apparently he or she listened and obeyed.  We're thankful.

James, the baby, was about three when he awkwardly donned one of his brother's backpacks. "I go to school, Mama!"  

Katy informs him, "No, you can't go to school.  You poop in your pants."  Sound reasoning from an expert diaper changer.  She's gleefully past that stage now.  He's five and poops in the potty!

So we occasionally get girl time now days!  Even got our nails did.

The stories in her husband's family go back to his childhood and his grandparents. Dave's Opa warned Oma, who was shelling peas, "Now don't let those boys put peas up their nose."  

Later in the day she told him he shouldn't have given them the idea because they did!  They retrieved nose peas from all but one boy.  Later he had to go to the doctor to get his pea removed.  It had sprouted!

Our firstborn daughter, Kimberly, has amazing discussions too. Her son, Blake, wanted to be trusted to stay home alone like his big brother, J. D. 


"Blake, what would you do if someone came to the door?"

After his thoughtful pause, remembering his mother's gift of hospitality, he chirped, "I'd say 'Come in!' . . .Oh!  And I'd serve snacks."

Seeing his mother's horrified face, he expounded, "I mean heathy snacks, Mom, like carrots!"  

He smiled proudly.

Her eyes enlarged.  

His smile disappeared instantly.

Blake, pondering what he'd forgotten, finally added, "Oh yeah!  And I'd introduce myself too."

Both boys grew up and became gentlemen who know when to introduce themselves, when to answer the door and when to hug Nana.

I ran a similar test on Kimberly, maybe ten at the time.  She wanted to stay home with her younger brother and sister, while I shopped with Mama and my sister-in-law, Gwen.  So I drilled her on when to answer the phone, who to call in case of various emergencies, what to say or do in certain situations, and to NEVER answer the door.


"OK, we're going shopping, Kimberly.  Remember the rules."

"I know, Mom, I know," said the know-it-all.

So we drove off but I decided to circle the block. I stopped a few houses away and snuck onto our porch.  As I rang the doorbell, I prayed she wouldn't answer.

She answered.  

She flung the door wide open to hear, "KIMBERLY RUTH HENDERSON!"

"Well, Mom, I figured it was you.  I was right."  She always is!

Mama and Gwen shopped without me that day.

Now days Kimberly and I love to shop together and include her daughter, Elizabeth.

Kimberly, Elizabeth and Nana at Tanger in Myrtle Beach, carrying on the family tradition

My conversations with Kimberly were interesting even when she was a toddler.   I was trying to pay bills but Miss Chatter Chin* bombarded me with questions and interruptions.  Losing patience, I looked up and prayed aloud, "Lord, please make her be quiet!"

Not losing a beat, she too looked up pleading, "Lord, please let me talk."

"He said I could, Mom!"

How do you trump God?

"Why do you ask so many questions, child?"

"Cause that's how ya' learn stuff, Mom."
I was being a good mother on this day.

She is a smart cookie.  Still!  And an excellent speaker.

I remember a poem from THE JOLLY JINGLE BOOK called “Chatter Chin.” It goes something like this:

Everyday when I come in, I hear my little chatter chin.
     Chatter this and chatter that, first the dog and then the cat.
Yarns she picked up from the cook, stories from her fairy book,
     Questions wiser than she knows, how the honeysuckle grows.
Why the firefly has light, why the moon comes out at night,
     What keeps birds up in the air, what makes people have red hair.
I give up when you begin, little chatter, chatter chin!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Many years ago after church we asked Kimberly and Kent, "How was children's church?"

"Fine," they dueted.

"What did you learn?" I probed for full sentences.

Kent piped up, "We learned about New Year's RESERVATIONS!"

Big sister, Kimberly, confidently corrected him, "No, Kent!  It's New Year's REVOLUTIONS!"

Our laughter cued them to clam up, a bit less confident, until one mumbled, "Maybe. . .Revelations?"

I'm not big on New Year's RESOLUTIONS either.  Never have been.  Maybe I have a defeatist attitude but it's not my habit. 

This year I began to hear or read about an idea that appealed to me though.  So I've decided to choose a New Year's WORD.  I prayed about it this week, asking the Lord to clarify my annual desires into one specific word.  It came to me yesterday.  My word this year is:

Doug carved this into a pallet board I found and it hangs where I see it often.

We usually associate it with food. 

But I found many interesting things one can savor:

Coming closer to my heart's intention is:

I want to be fully present in every moment of life.  If I listen to a friend, I want to give her my undivided attention.  If I'm watching a good movie, I want to resist multi-tasking, though I THINK I'm good at it.  No one actually is!  If I'm reading something worthwhile it deserves my full concentration.

We all know how it feels to be sharing with someone and realize their eyes, mind and attention are wandering, clearly not focused on our words.  Listening is a skill I try to develop.  What a gift, however, to open my heart to someone who
* nods as I speak
* leans in
* shows empathy in facial expression

Life is a gift from God.  When I pray, I know He hears every word.  Of course He is God and I am not.  So for me to SAVOR each moment I am blessed to live, I'll need His help to avoid distractions.  

To me, this is a bigger task for 2019 than a resolution.  I can't do it without Him.  ADD was not a diagnosis when I was young.  However, I may have invented it!

So I suppose it must begin with SAVORING my SAVIOR daily. I want my prayers to be a sweet smelling savor to Him.  I want to practice the PRESENCE of the Great I AM, to be in the present tense.

Distractions for me come primarily in pondering the
* FUTURE--To Do lists, worries, schedules
* PAST--regrets, hurts, should'ves

There it is again!  I can only live life or worship in THIS MOMENT.

Lord, help me to savor Your goodness.  Keep me aware of the gifts of FRIENDSHIPS, MINISTRY, FAMILY, MUSIC, FOOD, WORK, PLAY and LAUGHTER.  Protect me from a life too busy or too cluttered.
In Jesus' Name,