Friday, May 3, 2013


Recently 60 Minutes reported a Yale study on babies too young to even talk. The experiments revealed their biases toward good or bad, kind or mean, fairness or unfairness, generosity or selfishness. Social virtues may be wired or taught.  

Our three children and 13 (almost 14) grandchildren taught us something about babies. While not scientific, my own interpretation of baby talk might go something like this!

I used to tell my younger brother he was adopted.
 I really SHOULD apologize to Ricky.  One day. . .

My dear mother used to say God made
2 year olds cute so we wouldn't kill 'em!

Oh the games people play.

Expert on the obvious

Light bulb moment

Poop happens.


  1. Ricky Tippett
    6:09 AM (3 hours ago)

    to me

    Lots of smiles from me on this one. Good one.

  2. William Singleton
    10:35 AM (0 minutes ago)

    to me

    Love it!

    Kaye ♪♪
