Friday, August 27, 2021


Every Friday morning we have a small group of ladies who come to our villa for a Bible study. Today's was different. Martha came in with, "I've had a hard morning." Just hours earlier she got a call that her grandson was dead, overdosed on drugs. Doug and I prayed with her as the others came in one by one, learning her shocking news. As Doug left the room, we ministered as only godly women can. It was one of my life's most powerful hours. My sister-in-love, Gwen, was our facilitator for this time together. We listened. We wept. We passed around tissues. We prayed. Then we went to the Word as planned. Our text for the day was perfect because we serve a perfect, sovereign God. Gwen said, "Today's verses speak of peace beyond our understanding."
We stood on holy ground as God ministered to and through us all. In life's toughest struggles God manifests Himself and shouts to us in our pain. He delivers unfathomable peace and joy, just as His Word promises. We focused on all that was true, honorable, worthy of praise and He ushered in His PEACE and JOY. We even found laughter, like a heavenly medicine. Gwen suggested we sing a song rather than pray to dismiss. We gathered around my piano and sang "I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river in my soul. . . I've got joy like a fountain, I've got joy like a fountain, I've got joy like a fountain in my soul." And we did! After lunch I played chair volleyball with Martha's husband. I quietly spoke condolences and asked, "Did Martha tell you what happened today when we met?" "No, not yet. But she came home different!" Time with Jesus does that.

Monday, December 14, 2020


Silent Night
Not a creature is stirring
All is calm

These familiar phrases wrap this particular Christmas in a strange aura.

This 2020 season is so different from any other I’ve known. Last year we hosted not one, but TWO open houses here by this time.  We had not one, but TWO trees fully decorated and glowing.  

This year there’s no Christmas church program to direct, no choir cantata, no shopping for gifts, not even a tree.  Doug and I have a blank calendar without parties to attend. Sounds sad, doesn’t it?  But I’m not sad. Many folks are missing the normal hustle and bustle of Christmas.

I am not.

I am quiet, still.

Yes, it is different, simpler but maybe I hear and see Him even better this year.  He slipped into our world very simply, quietly too.  Lowing cattle were His only cantata.

Doug built this nativity. The Japanese maple hovers, like a scarlet canopy.

We did decorate the outside of our house so neighbors wouldn’t think us Scroogey.  A few weeks ago I announced, “Doug, I have the perfect gift for you this year!”  His expression was a question mark so I continued, “Let’s not put up a tree this year!”   

He genuinely shouted, “Hallelujah!”  To say he dislikes tree decorating is a huge understatement.  A few days later I voiced a mild change of heart.  He was having no part of that. 

My sweet mentor, Nancy Sandgren, scolded me, “You CAN NOT not have a tree up!  We’ll kick you out of Scotia!" A double negative from Nancy just means you better do it and pronto.   
So she loaned me a little table top tree of hers, already lit.  Doug agreed to plug it in.  Done!  He can do 5 minute tree décor.

Terry Hill asked me to do door decoration judging.  How?  Virtually.  “The pictures will come to your computer, Kathy.”  So it’s a sofa task.  Can do.

Chaplain Linda asked, “Can you and Doug sing and play a few carols to broadcast on our TV channel for Christmas week? “  Sure.  So we did, with an iPad and a grand piano in an otherwise empty auditorium.  Doug invited unseen friends to sing along.  Maybe they will Christmas week.  Maybe.

All is still.

Some of our new friends are in pain.  Harry’s wife died a few days ago.  We knocked on his door as the sun set and prayed with him, six feet away and masked.

Our friend, Ron, lost his best friend to death last week.  I phoned him to offer condolences and prayed as he wept audibly.  Later I saw him in line for supper.  I broke both rank and rules.  I slipped up behind him and hugged him, my masked face to his back.  He mustered, “Thank you.”  I think it may be his first hug in months.  A lady in line behind us teased, “Ohhh, I’m telling.”  But she won’t, as her masked smile relayed.

No gold, frankincense nor myrrh this year.  Few gifts to wrap. Mostly checks and cash to family.  But sometimes it’s just a phone call, a hug, a poinsettia, a carol played and sung or a prayer we offer.  Quiet gifts.  In His name.

Doug and I both have wondered why we are enjoying this strange year.  Then the answer came yesterday.

It was Sunday afternoon as I sunned in the backyard, soaking up the last warm rays of the year.  Another dear mentor and friend, Linda McLester, waved and blew me kisses from two yards away.  She too was sunning from her swing.

Minutes later she came over and handed me a book.  “You know I adore your bones so I want you to enjoy this special book.”  We chatted, relishing the goodness of God and our blessings, as we often do.  She always mentions the woods and deer connecting our back yards.  We both see it as a gift from the Father of Lights.

After she left our love fest, I read half of the poetry book, Kneeling in Bethlehem by Ann Weems.  It’s an old book, written over 40 years ago.  With nowhere to go, nothing in particular to do, I savored each page and the message, so fitting for this quieter, stiller Christmas.

This Advent let’s go to Bethlehem
And see this thing that the Lord has made known to us.
In the midst of shopping sprees
Let’s ponder in our hearts the Gift of Gifts.
Through the tinsel
Let’s look for the gold of the Christmas Star.
In the excitement and confusion in the merry chaos,
Let’s listen for the brush of angels’ wings.
This Advent, let’s go to Bethlehem
And find our kneeling places.

That’s it!  The poet describes exactly why we’re enjoying this Christmas in ways never before experienced.  With the tinsel, bustle, chaos and sprees gone, the focus is clear, the message simple.

We have seen the Christ.

The one display we agreed to use this year fills our dining table and goes to the heart, taking us to Bethlehem that first quiet, simple Christmas.

Thursday, November 12, 2020


Thursday, August 20, 2020




The world is chaotic.                   Jesus is Peace.

Government is broken.               One day government will be on His shoulders.

Lies and distortions abound.      Jesus is Truth.

Fear is contagious.                     Faith in Jesus is also contagious.

World news is unsettling.            God’s Good News is reassuring.

The times are changing.             God is eternal.

Medical help may fail.                 Jesus heals souls eternally.

Focusing on events brings fear.  Focusing on God brings faith.

Jobs and money may fail.           Jehovah Jireh is my Provider.

Angry critics yammer.                 Praise invites God to inhabit us.

Complaining is easy.                   Counting blessings brings smiles.

Death and tears are common.    God wipes all tears away.

Unrest disturbs our spirits.          Music calms the soul.

Today is but one day.                  God plants eternity within us. 

Nothing makes sense.                We will understand it better by and by.       

Sunday before last there was an earthquake here.  Some felt it in the morning.  I slept through it.  That same evening a double rainbow appeared here.  I didn't miss that!  (See below prayer.) Both were solid reminders of the times in which we live and of God's promises and sovereignty.      


Right over our house here:

And our neighborhood:

                                                  His banner over me is love.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Elizabeth, our oldest granddaughter, asked if she could ask me a question.  That's her way.  Most just pop it out, but gracious, considerate E asked for permission first.  

Before I tell you what she asked, let me introduce you to our beautiful Elizabeth.  Her passion runs deep and especially for Jesus.


She's a wise 18 year old, going on 33.  Why 33?  Because Jesus was 33 and she is very Christlike. Oh, she's also very witty, goofy, mouthy and sarcastic.  A lot like. . .me.  We both have so many words that they overflow into writing.

Me with Kimberly, E's mom.

Three generations at Home Good, stimulating the economy, 
midst Covid19.

Last Friday I flew to Florida for a long weekend with Kimberly, our first born, and family.  It was time to break out of isolation and what better place than the Sunshine state? We laughed, cried, talked, played games, watched a Redbox movie (I Still Believe--recommend it), shopped, sunned by a pool and ate extremely well.  

Before I get to THE QUESTION Elizabeth asked me, she posed a second question with a quicker answer.  "Nana, I'm learning to drive.  Want to take a ride with me through the neighborhood?"  Those last three words made my answer a ready yes.  After all, I'd survived a spin with Sean, another grand, through his neighborhood.  I'm a much better sidekick with my grands learning to drive than I was as a mother of three teens when they learned!

During our ride, ranging in speed from 4-11 mph, she asked if she could ask me a question.


"Nana, why are you always so happy?" 

At first I was stunned at her perception of me, thinking to myself, Well, I'm not ALWAYS happy. So my honest answer at first was, "I have feelings too," meaning other feelings.

Kimberly, her mom, quipped back teasing me in a cute pout, "Yeah. I have feelings too." We laughed at her poochie lip.

Then I gave her my serious answer, never really thinking about it before her question.  "Elizabeth, I don't believe there's a difference between the word happiness and joy.  Some do and relate it to circumstances.  My source is the Lord, pure and simple."

She nodded her little philosophical head. 

So I continued, "When I do have negative emotions, like fear or hurt, I just don't linger there.  'You can sit on the pity pot.  Just don't stay there long enough to get ring-around-the-hiney.'   

It's a choice and I choose joy.  I want to be happy so I rely on the joy of the Lord. It's His joy just spilling into me, if I allow it to flow.  He gave me an optimistic outlook in life, but it's still a choice. So I choose not to dwell on the negative, but instead look beyond that and see Him. Then His steadfast joy absorbs me."

She seemed satisfied.  So the discussion ended.


Since then, however, I've mulled a bit on her question.  Several tidbits surfaced:

* I'm thankful to be seen as a happy person.
* Thankfulness is also at the root of my joy.
* Kimberly as a young child expressed it, "I'm thankful we have a lot of laughness in our family."
* Humor is a huge contributor to our collective family happiness.  Sometimes it's wacky and borderline inappropriate but often breaks through and demolishes the mulligrubs!
* Mostly I'm thankful for God's Sovereignty in my life, knowing the final chapter will end in eternal joy. 

So why not pray, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" and begin that happiness here and now?  Then just ride that joy tide right into eternal glory!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


One of my sweetest gifts came on Mother's Day from my firstborn.  Kimberly reminded me of the title she bestowed on me when she made me a mother.  Then a lifetime of blessings followed through Kent and Katy. Facebook was her stage and podium.


So, my mama's better (and funnier and wackier and cooler) than yours was a game I won. Every. Time. I'm convinced that some of my dates, when I was a teen were guys actually crushing on my mom (sheesh).

Requiring costumes for airport pickups, impromptu (daily!!) singalongs, giggly ugly hat try-ons (often unappreciated by sales staff) were just everyday life with Mom. There's a reason Brian and Karen Tippett Hampton call her "Crazy Aunt Kathy."

Impressively, she's also a passionate Jesus-follower, authentic before it was cool, secure in her identity, and warrior-conqueror through soul-crushing trials. She truly leans on Jesus. Her humility, love for Christ, energy and natural leadership are magnetic.

Now, incredibly, she was a stay-at-home mom, packing lunches with love notes, supporting us through learning multiple instruments and hobbies, cheering our academic progress and just teaching old-fashioned life skills.

She did it all with such grace and zaniness (sooo much wacky, dark humor. We choose to embrace our weirdness). She balanced mercy and truth. She championed us, yet kicked our butts, when needed.
She set the bar high for motherhood, then grandmotherhood.

Thanks, Mom, for everything.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

(May be sung to the tune of GILLIGAN’S ISLE)

 Our Scotia Village Retirement Community had a poetry contest recently.  After a week at the beach Doug and I were quarantined to our villa for two weeks.  So with time on our hands, he worked in the yard and I wrote this poem.  It won FIRST PLACE.  My prize was a golden roll of toilet paper, now proudly displayed in our curio cabinet.  It could become one of the most valuable pieces in our collection!


(May be sung to the tune of GILLIGAN’S ISLE)

Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale
A tale of a special place
Called Scotia Village standing proud
With challenges to face.
With challenges to face.

Our leader was a mighty man
Named Allen brave and sure
His residents and staff had plans
To keep us all secure.
To keep us all secure.

We must adjust, save gas and reach
For one more magazine.
Protection for our friends now means
Remain in quarantine!
Remain in quarantine!

The virus started getting rough
Our neighborhood was tossed.
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
All Scotia would be lost!
All Scotia would be lost!

The grocery shelves were running low
On toilet paper first.
Then food became a premium.
The battle’s getting worse!
The battle’s getting worse!

But Ken and Steve with mighty staff
Provided meals to go.
We even got our ice cream treats
Delivered like a show!
Delivered like a show!

Then Ellen led our exercise
From driveways one and all.
Just bring your 2 tin cans and come.
Be careful not to fall!
Be careful not to fall!

We’ll get through this 6 feet apart
If everyone complies.
Trust God, He’ll meet our every need.
Through saints He still supplies!
Through saints He still supplies!